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Casemate IPM

The Dark Side of Alice in Wonderland

The Dark Side of Alice in Wonderland

Regular price $26.95 USD
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This is the Alice of horror films, Halloween, murder and mystery, spectral ghosts, political satire, mental illnesses, weird feasts, Lolita, Tarot, pornography and steampunk. The Beatles based famous songs such as 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' and 'I am a Walrus' on Alice in Wonderland, while she has even attracted the attention of world famous artists including Salvador Dali. Take a look at why the Japanese version of Lolita is so different to that of novelist Vladimir Nabokov - yet both are based on Alice. This is Alice in Wonderland as you have never seen her before: a dark, sometimes menacing, and threatening character. For a book that began life as a simple children’s story, it has resulted in a vast array of dark concepts, ideas and mysteries. So step inside the world of Alice in Wonderland and discover a dark side you never knew existed!"
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